Athletes constantly compare themselves with the elite; personal records matter and learning techniques from those at the top of their game is essential. Knowing where you stack up against the fittest in the world is how athletes catapult their performance ahead of the competition, so why not in leadership too?
Having worked alongside many of the top leaders in the world's most innovative companies, I have seen the resolutions and results of those elite leaders through my coaching and partnerships.
But wait, before you compare yourself, make sure you have created your Lost Discipline List to know what causes you to fail or your efforts will be futile.
Ten resolutions exceptional leaders make happen:
- I will create an enviable inner circle of advisors who I can immediately call for advice, guidance and candid feedback.
- I will ensure my virtual online presence represents the reality of my expertise, achievements and leadership traits.
- I resolve to spend 10% of my time growing future leaders.
- I will create an exceptional leadership team that can scale with my business as it grows
- I will ensure that I have two people on my leadership team who could do my job in the next six months.
- I will not tolerate mediocrity in my team or business.
- I will change how I lead my business as it grows.
- I will be thoughtfully ruthless℠ with where I spend my time, energy and resources.
- I resolve to create a culture that accelerates innovation.
- I will continually invest in my own development by taking time to reflect, listen and take concrete action.
Pick three that you could focus on in January and schedule time to make it happen in your calendar.
Call me today 626 387 7600 if you want to join other CEO's, executives and business leaders just like you to transform your results and reputation.
Happy New Year!