How To Make The Most Of The Unboxing Craze

Forbes reported that 8-year-old Ryan Kaji made an incredible $26 million off his YouTube videos in 2019. He started by reviewing and unboxing toys, but has since graduated to science experiments, according to the report.

Do you love or hate the unboxing craze?

I didn’t really understand why there is an #unboxing craze with kids on YouTube until I saw Ideoclick, Inc.’s VP of Strategy Andrea Leigh unbox an early copy of my next book Rapid Growth, Done Right.  

I love your video Andrea - thank you!

Do you want to experiment with an unboxing? Reply here, text, email or call me for a chance to win a preview copy of my next book Rapid Growth, Done Right in a beautiful box for you to unbox and be one of the first to read around the world. 

Maybe this will be your first step into your new multimillion-dollar revenue stream!

Dedicated to growing your business,


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