I despise every aspect of camping. Bad food, uncomfortable sleep, insects, all that preparation. Give me a delightful hotel any day.
In fact for the last two years I did just that, my husband took my camping loving daughters into the forest while I took our other daughters to a hotel for a different kind of holiday (with pillows, pools, and uninterrupted sleep!)
Until this year I decided to base my opinion on an actual experience rather than what I thought it would be like.
A recent study showed that 70% of Americans lie about their vacation, the length, location, and joy it brings. So you won’t get that from me here. Camping is a lot of work to prepare and return from but unexpectedly I really loved the trip.
I was ready to be proven wrong.
I see this in companies everywhere, the most successful leaders go out and test their opinions and genuinely are open to being proven wrong.
How you react when you are proven wrong will determine if others will point out when you are wrong in the future.
We’ve all encountered the boss who very clearly does not want to be told that they are wrong. People then stop pointing it out.
Do you have people around you who tell you what you need to know or what you think you want to hear?
My nine year old twins and 11 year old are delighted I’m willing to be proven wrong.
Four days in the forest of Lake Arrowhead I got to see the joys of my daughters learning to carve sticks, make fire, discover new plants and creatures, and get the best workout ever on a giant inflatable lake assault course!
I hope your summer is bringing you as much fun!
Dedicated to growing your business,
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