When was the last time you were inspired by an email, a message, or a talk? In the last few years, there has been a strong trend toward electronic communication. 95 percent of communication happens by e-mail or other online messaging platforms, and much of it is tedious. Now consider this: a British museum study revealed that visitors only looked at paintings for an average of eight seconds. It’s in this demanding environment that leaders need to consider how to best communicate to capture attention. You have less than eight seconds!
Here are some unusual and imaginative ways you can capture attention and inspire your team:
1. Tell a Story. “I will always remember. . .” or “I wish you could have seen. . .” These phrases are memorable and capture imagination and excitement. Try it in your next meeting or talk.
2. Share a Picture. Variety catches attention. Try using a picture to capture and communicate one of your ideas. Snap a picture, add a caption, share it with your team.
3. Forget PowerPoint. It is hard to inspire via bulleted text. Run away from PowerPoint at all costs.
4. Avoid Lengthy E-mails. Get your people out of their inboxes. Experiment with e-mails that are short and to the point.
5. Remember News Clippings? If you see a powerful article in a magazine or in the Wall Street Journal, share it old-school style. Different stands out.
6. Be Okay with Messy. Don’t spend hours perfecting your talk, e-mail, or meeting. Teach your team that messy can be great and perfection isn’t often worth the investment of time.
7. Talk about Five Years into the Future. If your team does not know the destination, how can they enjoy the journey?
8. Make It Personal. Do your team and company know who you are? The more authentic you are, the greater connection you create. Capture a video from one of your retail sites, or when you are with a customer, give your personal reaction.
9. Listen to Yourself. When did you last play back a recording or video of yourself? I often ask the executives I work with to send me a recent talk so I can give them tips to improve how they inspire others.
10. Do You Understand and Believe? To be inspired you have to both understand and believe in the company direction. Before you inspire your team, you have to make sure you understand and believe yourself. Where do you and your team fit? Map where you and your team fit HERE.
When was the last time you experimented with a new approach or asked for feedback about your communication? Pick one idea and try it this week.
Dedicated to growing your business,